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Prices and Booking

Click on the Book Now button above, email me with your availability, or call 0790 4477044.


Online sessions are automatically set to Zoom, however I also offer sessions via Skype, Teams and WhatsApp. Please email me once your booking is made if you would prefer to use one of those platforms.


Please note,  I have an association agreement with Harley Therapy, if you book an appointment with me through their platform, I will be unable to offer you direct appointments. All of your appointments would need to be booked through the Harley Therapy Website. 


I do not offer free initial consultations. You should be able to find answers to general questions on this website, if not please feel free to contact me. Your first session will be a full assessment session of 50-60 minutes, offering this for free is not economically viable. 





Separate Terms and Conditions apply for organisations,  please contact me for further details



Your first session will be an assessment session and will last 50-60 minutes. 

Sessions are held at regular weekly or fortnightly intervals unless with prior agreement. Coaching sessions may be less frequent. Each session lasts for one clinical hour (between 50-60 minutes). Please let me know in

advance of any times you will not be available for your regular session.


Late arrivals

Please ensure you arrive promptly for your session. I regret, I cannot make up time if

you are late. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your session may be classed as a

"no show" and no refund will be given. Please contact me as soon as you can if you

are going to be delayed.



Individual Sessions £65

Couples Sessions £90

Full payment is required at the time of booking.



You can cancel your session and receive a full refund providing you give at least 48

hours notice.

You may be able to rearrange your session subject to my availability providing you

give at least 48 hours notice.

No refund will be given for appointments cancelled or rearranged with less than 48

hours notice.

No refund will be given for "no shows".

If you have cancelled or rearranged on more than two occasions, I will discuss with

you whether it's appropriate for your treatment to continue.



The content of our sessions is confidential to you the client and to me the therapist,

although I will need to discuss our work with my clinical supervisor in the interest of

good practice and in accordance with my accrediting body's requirements.

In exceptional circumstances, where I am concerned for your well being, or that of

others, I may find it necessary to seek help outside the therapeutic relationship; I

would always and in the first instance seek to gain your agreement to this. You may

have given me details of your doctor, but I would not communicate with him or her

without a full discussion with you first. I would however expect you to tell me about

any medication you may be given and about any ‘other help’ you may receive during

our therapeutic treatment.

In the case of a disclosure concerning acts of terrorism under the terrorism act,

proceeds of crime act, or acts specific to the children’s act, confidentiality will be

broken and such disclosures will be passed onto the relevant authority without


I may make brief notes after each session. These will be kept in accordance with

GDPR. These are purely to help me in my work with you, they are disclosed to no

one, other than to my clinical supervisor if necessary. These notes will be securely



Online Sessions

Please ensure you are in a quiet, private place where nobody can hear you, or

disturb you. You may wish to use headphones. If I deem that the setting is not

sufficiently private, I reserve the right to terminate the session and no refund will be


Recording of the session is forbidden without prior consent of both parties to ensure

compliance with relevant legislation.

It is recommended that you use a private computer, not a public or work one and

ensure that your security software is up to date.

Should we experience any interruption in internet connection or other technical

breakdown during your session, I will contact you on the phone number provided

and we may continue your session this way if appropriate.


Clients Outside of the UK.

My insurance allows me to work with clients online, excluding those who reside in

the USA.

Any work undertaken is in accordance with UK (English) law only and any disputes

will be subject to UK (English) law.



As a private practice, my services do not include emergency treatment. If you have

thoughts of harming yourself and/or others, which you feel unable to manage,

please contact your GP or local Mental Health Care Team.


Extra Work Undertaken

If you want me to write any reports or letters on your behalf, the time taken will be

charged at £65 per hour or part of. Please let me know in advance if you are seeking

a professional letter of any kind or are seeking therapy as part of a legal claim.



It is natural sometimes to experience feelings of frustration or dissatisfaction during

a course of therapy. Please discuss these with me in the first instance. If you believe

that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can escalate this

directly to my professional body (National Register of Hypnotherapists and





I am registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) which means I need to tell you what data I am collecting from you and what I intend to do with it.


What data do I keep and why do I need it?

Name and Age – This is basic information that helps me get to know you.

Address, email and telephone number - I use this as a way of contacting you regarding your sessions. I will mainly use the method you first contacted me on, but if I am unable to reach you, I will try a different method. Any relevant email or message will also be stored with your records if it is deemed relevant to our working relationship.

Doctor’s details – If I was worried that you were at risk, then I may need to contact your doctor. If I can, I will tell you I am going to do this.

Session notes – I keep brief notes of our sessions.


Will I share your data and if I do, who will I share it with and for what purpose?

It is very unlikely that I will share your data. I will not sell it on or use it for unethical reasons. I may have to share it if my notes are subpoenaed by a court of law. If either you or anyone you tell me about is at harm or serious risk of harm, to self or others, I may have to pass this information on. I may also inform the relevant authorities if you divulge any information regarding terrorism, safeguarding issues or money laundering.

If you wish me to share your data with anyone else, such as an employer, solicitor or other health professional, I will obtain separate consent from you to do this.

In accordance with my governing body, I receive regular clinical supervision where I talk about my work. This may include you, however I only use your first name or initials.


How will I store your data?

Paper records are kept in a locked filing cabinet. Data held in digital format is kept on a PC which is password protected. Any clinical notes held about you in digital format, are also password protected.


How long will I store your data and how will I dispose of it?

If you are over 18 years of age at the start of your treatment, I will keep this data for 7 years after our last session finishes. It will then be deleted and destroyed. If you are under 18 years of age at the start of your treatment, I will keep this data up to and including your 25th birthday, when it will be deleted and destroyed.







© 2024  Burnley Counselling Services Ltd  Company No. 16054966

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